Thursday, October 16, 2008

Quick Tip for Quick Dinners

When you purchase fresh, ground hamburger meat, cook it all up as soon as you get home. You can season it anyway you like, while cooking it, with things like garlic powder/salt/pepper(my favorite), taco seasonings, oriental seasonings, etc. Then, I cool it in the refrigerator then separate it into ziploc freezer bags and freeze it. When you need some, you can pull it out of the freezer and either thaw it out in the microwave (if using the whole bag), or just dump what you need into what you are preparing. I always buy large packages of meat and I used to just separate it out and freeze it, but then I had to thaw it out and then cook it and it would take forever. When I started doing this, it saved a ton of time in preparing the meat and then it made our meals cook a lot faster!

posted by Shaena:)

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