Friday, October 24, 2008

Quick tip for Pumpkins: Part 2

I decided that I didn't want to turn the oven on, since it was getting late in the evening, so I thought I would try cooking the pumpkin in my slow cooker...overnight. I got a "Pie Pumpkin" and it was about 9 inches in diameter. First, I cut it in half and scooped out all the pulp and seeds (don't throw the seeds away, you can clean them and roast them in the oven. I then cut up the pumpkin into pieces that were about 3-inches by 4-inches. After that, I decided to go ahead and take the outer skin off, about the thickness that you would take off of an apple. I put my liner into my crockpot (not a necessity, but it sure does make cleanup easier!), and tossed in the chunks of pumpkin (I didn't add any water to will be just fine, since the pumpkin already has some natural moisture in it). Like I said earlier, I thought I would cook these overnight, so I put my slow cooker on the lowest setting. About 2 hours later, I started smelling a wonderful smell coming from the I checked it out...the pumpkin was starting to soften! So, I waited about another hour (until the smell got a little stronger) and checked it was perfectly softened!!! Needless to say, it didn't take all night, but I didn't have to mess with the oven and now I have perfectly cooked pumpkin that is ready for some yummy stuff!!!

posted by Shaena:)

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